Native Advertising

Why are online marketers increasingly turning to Native Advertising  ?


Native advertising works. Consumers look at native ads 53% more than display ads. Native ads create an 18% increase in purchase intent, and the visual engagement with native ads is the same, and even slightly higher, than the original editorial content.


Native advertising fights ad fatigue. Ad fatigue is what happens when the audience gets bored with seeing ads. After a while, they simply stop paying attention. Native ads are brand exposure cloaked in editorial content, so they don’t tire out the audience. As long as the content is relevant and interesting, native advertising engages the audience.


Consumers know that native ads are a form of advertising, but they don’t care! In a recent study , researchers found that native advertising fools nobody. Consumers are well aware that they are viewing a form of advertising, however native ads still have a significant effect on purchase behavior.

If native advertising looks like regular content, how can I tell it’s an ad?

If a native ad looks like regular content, rather than a display ad, then readers may not realize they are consuming a paid advertisement. 

What does 

Native Advertising look like?

"In Feed" Ads

Ads that appear in your news feed on social networks (ie.your Facebook or Twitter feed

Search & Promoted Listings

Ad listings that appear at the top of your Google search results, or in the side bar

Content Recommendations

Recommended articles that appear below, the article you just read , or certain suggestions after a page you read 


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