Candyuwu ♀️
Candy's Info "Let me summary a short info or myself I am 21, Mysian, living in Singapore for this period for around 2 year half. Will be here maybe few years before i find a higher pay as singapore pays abit low for my education , after pay food cost and all Its not much left to feed my parents so now work both & partime here so i can at least Have extra to feed myself while looking for another higher offer pay as money is highly price in Singapore but my studies is mehhhh .... so still yet found please help some of my works here ^_^ My figure is 32D/32DD :49kg:34 : 158cm FULL - PRICE LISTED BELOW Singapore Juicy Well Worn Used Panty 🍷 Selling to those who can splurge on my panty. Offer me a price that i desire and i will provide what you desire on the panties ,by staining ,squirt and more .accept offered price above $90. Fast delivery in 1- 2 days ▪︎Selling Pee , Bath water in a bottle [ NEW ] ▪︎Used Socks offer me a price $ ▪︎Used Heels offer a